What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is an ancient science dating back more than 5,000 years.  The sister science to yoga, Ayurveda is a holistic health system that focuses on your true nature and finding balance for living a life of wellness and vitality through daily practices.  The doshas, Vata, Pitta and Kapha are representations of the elements, Air, Fire, Earth, Water and Space.  I like to think of the doshas as a toolbox to understand your body, your mind, your spirit and the world around you.  By looking at the root cause of dis-ease, the practice of Ayurveda assists your body and mind in healing itself. Ayurveda is a beautiful accessible practice you can incorporate into your life to bring peace and joy every day. 

Ten Ways to Practice Ayurveda: 

  1. Rise with the sun, waking before 6AM helps you start your day with more energy.
  2. Start your day with quiet time, even five minutes of mindfulness before you jump into your busy day will help ground and center you. 
  3. Drink your water.  Hydration is very important for healthy digestion. Drink at least 1/2 your body weight in ounces per day. Example: 160 pound person should aim to drink 80 ounces of water per day.  
  4. Sit down when you eat! And avoid stress of all kinds during meal times.  Turn off your phone, avoid eating in front of the TV or computer, don’t argue.
  5. Eat till you are satisfied, and allow yourself to rest for 15 minutes after.
  6. Laying on your left side after eating encourages more complete digestion and will help you avoid bloating and stomach aches. 
  7. Move your body every day, but don’t over do it.  Your dosha will help you understand the best form of exercise for you. 
  8. Eat an earlier lighter dinner. Your body will digest everything better, the food you ate, the experiences of the day, when you don’t have a large late meal before bed. 
  9. Go to bed by 10PM. Shut down the electronics and screens earlier.  Sleep between 10PM and 6AM is the most rejuvenating and gives your body the best opportunity to heal while you sleep. 
  10. Keep good company!  Being around people you enjoy is the answer to ultimate health!

Want to learn more about Ayurveda and determine your dosha?