Make Your Phone Mindful

Make Your Phone Mindful

Here is the truth, my business is run through social media, email, texts, etc. It is a social biz and I have messages hitting me from every direction. When I go to revisit a conversation for information, I cannot remember if it was on Instagram, text, email, Facebook.... ahhhhhh! Help me! I can feel it melting my brain and over-sensitizining me. Contrary to popular belief, I am an introvert and reenergize by being alone with my thoughts. That said, I do love all of my conversations and connections so I just need to figure out a way to manage the goodness, ya hear?

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One Piece of Advice from your Food YEAH! Panelists

One Piece of Advice from your Food YEAH! Panelists

About a month ago, we rocked it at Food YEAH! A Food Panel For You. After the event it was clear that, yeah, of course what we eat has an impact our wellness. But I think that is why you all showed up. You knew that already. It is also clear that doing it "perfectly" can be demanding and feel nearly impossible while also trying to manage that little thing we do every day called life. 

After the event, and taking in all that we heard, I reached out to the panelist and asked them for one piece of advice they want to share with the audience. See what they had to say!

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Three Wellness Practices I Am Trying In December

Three Wellness Practices I Am Trying In December

If you saw my recent post about mono-tasking, you know I am focused on doing one thing at a time rather than doing all the things all the time. This is part of my journey to be mindful and minimal. So rather than being distracted by every shiny object - I am going to focus on trying a few new things each month. I'll share them here, you can follow along on IG story to see how it goes throughout the month. 

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Why I decided to INDULGE

Why I decided to INDULGE

INDULGE happened in an instant and from there I couldn't be stopped. But that instant is a result of laboring over my own purpose for God knows how long. Probably not unlike anyone else, I have struggled to find my place in the world. Or my purpose. I have spent the better part of 2 years trying to dig deep, understand my strengths, come to terms with my weaknesses and understand what matters most to me. In this process there have been a few significant events or "ah ha" moment that cumulated and led me to the creation of INDULGE. 

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